Thursday, 17 February 2011

New Project Watch Cuff

So excited that the custom watch cuff I have been working on is finished and the client likes it - yeah!

Wish I could take credit for having the idea but that came from my client - a lovely person to work with and very good with her communications - which is always important when trying to match someones vision to what is created.

It's great too that I got challenged to make something new.  The cuffs have always been popular at local fairs but never quite took off online and I was hesitant about making more.  Even though I have so many fabrics, embellishments etc begging to be recycled upcycled into something new.

So what do you think? Would this be something you would consider buying? 

Not the best quality photos I'm afraid as it was very overcast here today and think I need to re-tweak my camera settings.

Health to wear Leisha!

Monday, 14 February 2011

How Do You Fail Me? Let Me Count The Ways

How Do You Fail Me? Let Me Count The Ways

You fail me with your nihilistic promise of a handmade site, yet, when resellers come calling you welcome them and ignore my plight.

You fail me and my vintage treasures, from bygone times when quality ruled.

You fail me when modern impostors have you so easily fooled.

You fail me when lack of integrity blinds your sight.

You fail me when you dismiss alchemy, the epitome of custom creativity, you fail me again with erratic search functionality.

You fail me when you decimate the community, you fail me when like a wilful child I am silenced with impunity! - and if you have your way

You will fail me more with each passing day.

Apologies to Elizabeth Barrett Browning for abusing her beautiful penmanship as the basis for my foil of discontent.