Tuesday 29 December 2009

Look what I just received!

The postie brought a lovely surprise this morning!  These gorgeous earrings from Sarahdequadros that I won in Rubyclovers December blog giveaway.  Aren't they beautiful!

Thanks Ruby for hosting the Giveaway ... and thanks Sarah for offering such a great prize!  I'm delighted :) 

PS: Sarah also has an Etsy shop.

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Feeling nosy ...

wanna learn a wee bit about what makes me tick?  Well the lovely Mary from herbanlifestyle interviewed me for her blog.  Click blog to take you there in the blink of an eye ... or if you like to take the scenic route then go to :http://herbanlifestyle.wordpress.com

Thanks Mary!

Saturday 12 December 2009

On the 12th Day of Christmas ...

Ok going to round up this years offerings for all you organic loving and savvy shoppers out there and highlight a sample of the wonderful, and healthy, bath and beauty products available from the Etsy Organic Team.  I reckon after all your rushing around you could all do with some R&R!
First up we have Marla of Simple Organic Beauty who makes Organic and fair trade products 'that are your skin's best friend'.

Next we have Holly of Garden Of Holly who makes delectable skin soothers made from Organic oils and herbal infusions that make your skin drool for more!

Gabrielle of Herbfriend has this wonderful Vegan and Organic Whipped Shea Butter a great body moisturerizer:

Jo of Green Springs brings us this enchanting Spicy Love Botanical Perfume perfect for warming up the holidays.

Mary of Herban Lifestyle offers up this delicious Organic Mint Chocolate Chip Lip Balm that you may want to nibble on all season.

Casey and Olga of Mirasol Farm have prepared this lovely Organic Lavender Soap in ceramic reusable bottle that is kind on hands body and face.

And last but not least Amanda of Simply By Amanda has a beautiful array of Organic Soaps that are a great way to start your day. 

So that's it for this year folks!  I had fun checking out all the great shops and promoting team members.  Thanks for all the support and comments.  Wishing you all a lovely peaceful holiday season and I'll see you in 2010!
Stay safe and well :)

Friday 11 December 2009

On the 11th Day of Christmas

Ah the penultimate day of these features!  I love that word - penultimate ... can you imagine having to say "the day before the last day" instead?  So kudos to whoever termed that word!  My typing fingers and weary brain thank you!

So what goodies are there today?  Surely there can't be even more great items to feature you say?  Oh but there are.  So let's get cracking.

Starting us of today we have Dawanna from the Eco Etsy Team and this lovely Sequoyah Necklace. Dawanna wraps, hammers, oxidizes, solders and tumbles the sterling silver components herself.  I love the uniqeness and natural organic lines in her work and how she uses recycled fine silver and natural high quality stones in her pieces.  Stunning work!

Next up is Sue from the Etsy Organic Team and who came up with the idea of the 12 Days features.  Sue makes the most adorable  eco friendly toys, dolls and accessories!  Check out this super cute Organic Baby Elly Bath Mitten!  How much more fun could wash time be? And I love how she designed these to fit over your hand.  I reckon we all know weans who hate getting their faces washed and this makes for a great fun element in getting the task done!

Time for some art and introducing Dawn from the Irish Rogue Artisans Team.I love this large inks on canvas  Natures Burst of Color painting and all the details like the teeny bugs! It's super vibrant and ready to hang and will add a gorgeous boost of color to any room!  Make sure to check out the other pictures of this in her shop - I had trouble uploading the bigger image of this great piece and the other photo's show the vibrancy better. 

Next up and another Irish Rogues member is Susan.  I love this adorable Curly Q Bay/Toddler Hat knitted in supersoft wool and soy and the umbilical cord.  A winter must for all weans.

Last offering for today are these lovely Snowflakes cards from Alex and member of the Crafty Ireland Team. Alex sells these in sets of 6 and I love the nice crisp graphics!

So last day is tomorrow- kinda sad now about that

Thursday 10 December 2009

On the 10th Day of Christmas...

Wow can you believe how quickly the days pass?!  Only 3 more days of these features and so many great artisans that can't be fitted in.  But if you've been clicking the team links, as well as the featured sellers, you'll get to fnd them!

Nothing new to report here - other than busy trying to restock for craft fairs.  Two more fairs to go and then I'm going to take some serious downtime :)

Anyway - let's get on with todays featured artisans.

First up are two talented artists from the Irish Rogue Artisans.  You know by now that earrings are my favorite jewelry so let's start off the show with these gorgeous Vintage Handpainted Swingtime Earrings: from the lovely Sarah. I love how she laced the sterling silver chain through the beads - rather than making them simple drop earrings. Being lucky enough to have some of Sarahs jewelry I can vouch for the quality and craft you'll find in all her pieces!

Moving on we have these whimsical and colorful Wee Houses from Iris.  I love her mixed media style and how she combines colors PLUS that she uses recycled MDF from her local builders yard and keeps it from the landfill. Eco, unique and beautiful! Her pieces always make me smile ... and every home should have at least one piece of Irisness.

Staying in Ireland for a bit longer and moving along to the Crafty Ireland Team this lovely Teal Mini Felted Purse was made by Jill.  Beautiful work and holds all the essentials!

More fabric lushness now and this beautiful Handwoven Organic Cotton and Linen Tablerunner from ObeliskFiberArts and member of the Etsy Organic Team. Beautiful weaving (look at the detail) and in a neutral color scheme this will add a touch of decor elegance to any table.

Final offering today is from Katherine - member of the Eco Etsy Team - and are these lovely Recycled Stockings.  Can you believe that these are sewn from upcycled boat sails?! They're selling out fast folks - so better be quick if you want to get one of these fab eco and contemporary stockings to grace your mantle this xmas!

That's it for another day! See you tomorrow and hope you all have a lovely day.  Stay safe and well.

Wednesday 9 December 2009

On the 9th Day of Christmas...

and hurrah for being back on track! (<< gives self a pat on the back and almost dislocates shoulder! That'll teach me to be smug).

Ok where was I?  Oh yeah - day 9 and on day 9!  After yesterdays long post I'm going to keep it short and sweet today.

First let's head over to see Leslie from the Trashion Team.  Leslie makes the most wonderful upcycled creations!  I'm in awe of her imagination and vision as you will be when you check out her work.  I wouldn't know where to start to describe this unique necklace - all I can say is the picture is just one element of it and you really need to check out the other photo's to see it in all it's magical charm!

Next up is Karen from the  Eco Etsy Team and  and these opulent vintage satin moire Sachets.  Karen made these from vintage remnants from her bridesmaids dresses. Your lingerie drawer is just crying out for these with their beautiful Provence lavender scent.

And I just have to show you this beautiful brooch made from the same fabrics - isn't it just divine!?

Next up is the ever talented Meg from the Irish Rogue Artisans.  You'll find an eclectic array of delights in her shop - she is probably the most productive person I know!  It is so tough to try and just feature one of her creations but I adore her series of Thoughts of Love cards. They're just beautiful and speak for themselves! This is another shop that needs a DISCLAIMER!  Bring some supplies with you cos once you start looking you'll be there for ages drooling!

Ok - once you've found you way back here from Megs shop have a look at these super cute knitted Priscilla Mouse wristwarmers from LoveLambie over at the Crafty Ireland Team. Love them!

Last offering for today comes from Lisa and member of the Etsy Organic Team.  Choc full of mineral salts, dried salts and essential oils this wonderful soothing Herbal Foot Soak is just what every pair of feet will thank you for! Love the natural ingredients!

Well that's all folks for another day!  Happy shopping and catch up to you tomorrow!  Stay safe and well.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

On the 5th -8th Days of Christmas ...

To keep this on track I'm doing a combo feature today ... lets just say I went away for a weekends shopping/leisure break :)

On the 5th day of xmas I decided to plan out the herb and veggie gardens for Spring in plenty of time. So I headed over to the Etsy Organic Team mall and had a look at what fluffnflowers and Herbfriend had to offer.  What I love shopping about with them both is I know I'm getting seeds grown using organic principles and sustainable practices.  Now that's not just great from an environmental perspective but also from the all important taste standpoint.  Remember when fruit and veg had a smell and tasted like they should and not some sort of reconstituted plastic that someone prettied up to look great but sprayed with furniture wax?  Well - no fakes here!

For the herb garden I got some delicious Sweet Basil, Coriander (or Cilantro as it's called over the pond) and Dill from herbfriends shoppe:

Then a hop and a skip over to fluffnflowers where I settled on some hot Cherry Pepper seeds, some Buttercrunch Lettuce and some lovely sweet citrusy Hillbilly Tomato seeds. Yummy!

Now that's what I call a good days shopping!

On the 6th Day of Christmas I found these adorable Best Friend Forever bracelets from Kim over at the Eco etsy Team. How cute are these?! I love the idea of 2 people each wearing their half of the friendship heart and thinking of the other each time.

There was such a great selection in the team and I also got this eco friendly, functional Kindness in Flight Wrist Cuff Wallets from Mary. I love the screenprinted design and sentiment on these!  Make sure you click on the last photo on that listing to see just how much you can put in this cuffs secret pocket! Genius idea!

Next day - the 7th Day of Christmas (you are keeping up right?) I was off and about with a bounce in my step cos I was heading over to the Irish side of town and the Irish Rogue Artisans stores.  

First stop was Susan and a chance to look  around her new art gallery.  I was already a happy owner of some of her prints and art magnets and was dying to see more of her art!  I wasn't disappointed as her work is awesome! Difficult as it to pick just one piece to share with you here I've opted nonetheless for this wonderful Muscles of the Face assemblage. I'll not even attempt to analyze or categorize this - I'll just let you savor it yourselves in all it's majesty!

Dragging myself away I headed over to see Cathy and her marvelous papercuts and Scherenschnitte creations.  Totally fell in love with this beautiful Inspiration Rose - isn't it beautiful:

Day 8 found me back on the Irish side of town and this time whetting my senses in the Crafty Ireland shops.  Now you may not already know this but I'm a sucker for earrings and I love the intricacy of handmade lampwork beads.  So as you can imagine, I was like a pig in muck (or in seventh heaven for those of you with a more genteel turn of phrase) in lightkeepings shop.  Like all the artisans featured daily this is another shop you'll get lost in and end up drooling (so bring a hankie). Today though I'm just going to give you a teaser with these gorgeous Evening Rose earrings:

Last stop of the day and to round of the marathon shopping trip was redpossum and her lovely children's wear. Spoilt for yet more choice I figured this cute Ruffle Herringbone Cape was just the thing for my friends wee girl for xmas.  She's an active wean who doesn't like to be hemmed in and this will be perfect to keep her warm without smothering her! Now if I can order one of those in an adult size - and with the youthful complexion - please :)

So there you have it and my but you have all been so patient in reading todays extra long post.  Now you know why I didn't send a postcard ... but I was thinking of you all - honest!

See you tomorrow and stay safe and well!

Monday 7 December 2009

On Groundhog Day ...

which is the 4th Day of Christmas revisited really ...Confused?  You will be. All youse that can remember the series Soap will know that one.  For the younger'uns that are going huh?  just let it pass and save yourselves a headache ;)

Before getting onto the features just a progress report that the craft weekend went well. So that was good and now I need to hop too and make more stuff to replenish some stock for this weekends event.  Onion transformation pictures hopefully along the way some day this week.

Anyway!  Back to business and keeping it short and sweet lets see what treasures we have for your delectation.  Given that all the sellers are online I thought it would be good to feature cool and unique items that won't break, or break the bank, shipping them from one part of the globe to the other.

First up is Mara from the Trashion team and this cute Vintage map pin of Central America: 

Mara has heaps of vintage maps from around the globe so give her a shout of you fancy one of these for someplace different.

Kids would love one of these  and it's a great way to get the re-use/re-cycle message across!

Some super cute Healthy Happy Little Feet booties now from Mateja and the Etsy Organic Team:

Mateja has lots of adorable organic knits plus some of these booties are on sale = fantastic bargain!

Magdalena from the CraftyIreland Team next has free shipping on her delightful Stained Glass Suncatcher:

Her prices start as low as $8 up - so something to suit all pockets.  I just love this Celtic Dragon and picture the fiery colors of this with the sun catching it!

Last, but not least, is this gorgeous Handcrafted Buddha Card from Carol a member of the Irish Rogue Artisans:

I have 2 of these in different colors and they're perfect framed.  Carols cards are always immaculately finished and top quality.

Hope you enjoyed checking out these great artisans shops! Stay safe and well and see you again tomorrow.

Friday 4 December 2009

On the 4th Day of Christmas ...

Maura reluctantly conceded that she had to take a few days break from the features.  Craft fair weekend starts in the morning and still far too much to be done here!  So choice is - take a break = sensible OR push on and wreck myself in the process = eedjit.  And while I happily admit to being a fool - I ain't an eedjit ;)

Sorry for the hiatus and blame my dis-organisation skills!

I'll be back on Monday and the features will continue - just will run on for a few days after the 12th ... oh and for those of you that have been paying attention - the onions are shaping up nicely.  Not as originally planned but still very nice imho!  

Hope everyone has a great weekend - stay safe and well!

Thursday 3 December 2009

On the 3rd Day of Christmas ...

Another late in the day post.  Was out and about with mom all day in town.  Was a lovely crisp but clear and bright winter day.  Perfect weather to hap up and do some window shopping.  It was very quiet though.  Usually at this time of year the town is packed with Christmas shoppers manically rushing around and laden down with bags. The lack of activity spoke volumes about the changed financial situation for most people this year.  

Have mixed feelings over the whole economic situation.  In one way if it gets people to be less extravagant - and ultimately less wasteful in a lot of cases - that is a good thing.  As a seller though I admit to feeling "Oh no! This doesn't augur well for xmas sales and this weekends craft fair".  I think that can probably be called a moral dilemma? 

But you didn't tune in for a contemplating my navel session - you popped by to see some more great hand made creations!  So I'll shuush now on the introspection and shift gears into work mode.

In line with not wasting things is the whole recycling/upcycling/repurposing/reusing process.  So who better to kick off today than this Patchwork Perfect Shoulder Bag from Linda at LindaEve and member of the Eco Etsy Team.

I love what she does with ties! These bags are functional, fun and funky!  Who would have thought triple F = a 1st Class mark - but in this case it does.  There are lots of reasons I love this bag.  Aside from it's the eco credentials the adjustable shoulder strap is great as it means I can wear this cross body - a must for shopping trips and avoiding the curse putting down my bag to look at something and then walking off without it!  (Ummm I think there is a subconscious dilemma theme emerging). Plus it has a nifty pocket at the front for those things you want to keep handy and not have to rummage through the main bag for.  In my case that is house keys ... quick access to indoors is a must when you live in a rainy climate like here and are caught in a downpour and can't find your keys.  Being so close to shelter in those situations is one of lifes relentless and cruel lil jokes!

I need some sunshine now just thinking about that!  This next item makes me smile so it's time to introduce Organic Baby Elephant from Dhanya aka flowerchildcreations and member of the Etsy Organic Team.

Isn't she just adorable?!  Now defy me and tell me you're not going awwwh and smiling :). The airbrush technique Dhanya uses, with non toxic fabric paints, creates the most beautiful prints.  All this on an unbleached, organic top = a perfect gift for a wee one. She also does the most amazing mandala's!  

Next up is this decoupaged Musical Jewelry Box from the amazing Rubes aka rubyclover and the Irish Rogue Artisans Team  

Rubes creates the most amazing and varied array of magical items and loves working on custom pieces.  So you can get your very own personalised item in whatever style you want - how cool is that!  DISCLAIMER:  Be warned!  When you visit her shop you'll be in there for ages and are likely to fall prey to ROA - the dreaded Repetitive Oooh Ahh syndromeThe only known cure is to buy something.

More lushness now and this First Snow - Beaded Holiday Wreath Ornament was made by Rachel aka balanced and from the Crafty Ireland Team.

This has got to be most elegant and chic ornament around!  The combo of freshwater pearls, Czech glass beads and copper works wonderfully together.  My Christmas tree is adorned with lots of special ornaments - some I bought for myself because they were beautiful but most I received as a present (it's a kind of tradition among me and my friends to exchange a tree ornament in lieu of a big present).  That's what makes them special ... and this ornament fits the bill perfectly for special status. 

Well that's all for today.  I will try to post earlier tomorrow. Have a good day everyone and remember stay safe and well :)


Wednesday 2 December 2009

On the 2nd Day of Christmas ...

Ready for more goodies from independent artisans?  Got yourself a cuppa and sitting comfy?  Ok then without further adieu ...(drumroll) Let the Show Commence!

First item today comes from Mary at herbanlifestyle and member of the Etsy Organic Team and her Herban Lifestyle Man Grooming Gift Set.

Organic ingredients and unique fabulous natural scents.  For the aftershave Mary uses organic orange essential oil, bay and cloves (among other secret scents) - and a host of essential oils including pine, sandalwood, tea tree and orange in the other products.  Think earthy, warm, manly.

Aside from all that - which is enough in my opinion to buy it - what I also love about this product if you're buying it for that special guy in your life is that it's a two way win win deal.  How do I figure that?  Well think about it ... he smells great, feels great after using the products, and his face will be smooth as a babys derriere - so he's gonna be in a great mood. You get to be with a sweet smelling, affable and non razor burning kissable guy :) So ok- you prefer your guy rugged and unshaved?  (I can tell some of you are contrary!).  Well then you get to bag some neat shaving oil all to yourself. Win win!

Now you've got your guy in a good mood how about adding this beauty from Susan aka RedBessBonney and member of the Irish Rogue Artisans to your xmas wish list.  Susan does a fabulous range of chainmaille jewelry and this gorgeous Evergreen Chainmaille Bracelet with it's stunning colors and millefiore clasp is just one example.

I'm lucky to have a couple of her chainmaille pieces and first thing I want to say these are incredibly lightweight- almost featherlight in fact!  And the movement in chainmaille makes for a very pleasant tactile experience - if that doesn't make me sound too weird?  But if you like to play with your jewelry- you'll love the feel of this. And did I mention the millefiore clasp already?  I love that clasp and the thing is that many would see the clasp as a practical component and not give it much thought.  But Susan gives you this marvelous clasp that compliments the chainmaille beautifully!  That shows perfection and love of, and in, your work.

Ok, dragging myself away lets move on to our 3rd equally delightful offering this morning and I think it's time to feature some clothing.  This elegant and versatile Regency styled Eco Fleece Duster Jacket comes from Christine aka windyhillfibers and member of the Eco Etsy Team .  

I love that it's made out of eco fleece from recycled pop bottles! Plus fleece is so cosy and easy to care for - very important when it comes to laundry matters!  Great for everyday casual wear I can also picture this worn over that lil black dress for a night out and showing off it's stunning sleek lines.  Once again the details are perfect ... the way the cuffs curve down over the hands is a lovely touch stylistically.  The bodice hook and eye closures and crochet neckline are lovely finishing touches and the whole line of the jacket with it's slighty puffed sleeves makes for a great silhouette.  Another one for the wishlist I think!

But to keep on track lets move on to the next product.  Seeing as how we mentioned the importance of laundry care these Upcycled Dryer Pillow Sheets from Jane at zjayne and member of the Trashion Team are a fragrant laundry accessory must-have! Whew try saying that after a hard days work!

These tick so many boxes! Sewn from upcycled tshirt sleevs and filled with home grown lavender buds you can reuse these time after time for wonderful scented laundry with a calming effect.  You did know that lavender is renowned for it's calming properties - right? I also like to use these in wardrobes and drawers instead of synthetic counterfeits.  Why chose chemical fragances when you can get the real deal!  Treat yourself and your clothes to some lavender love and watch the smiles as the relaxing vapors waft through the air.

On to the last item today and Tanya from Tanyamac and the Crafty Ireland Team. Yes - you heard me right - Tanya as per Tanyamac and her delightful Cranberry pop Paper Bauble Set that was featured in the Irish Times last week!  

These whimiscal and colorful baubles are another item that is flying off the shelves though I am reliably informed that Tanya is working like a Trojan stocking the shelves as soon as they empty.  So if the link gives you a dreaded SOLD sign fear not!  She will be working away and will have more lsted quick as a flash!  Or check out the other color options she has.  Guaranteed to bust winter blues these look fab anywhere.  Love them!

So we come to end of another post and more goodies.  Hope you enjoyed ... and remember everything you've seen has been lovingly and painstakingly hand crafted :)  See you tomorrow!  Stay safe and well.